Family ‘Play’shop Retreats
Families want to play, not work. So we created a series of family playshops for growth and wellness across the generations.
Yoga and meditation that is welcoming to all ages. Exercises for growth and connection that are so playful that even a 4 year old wants to participate. So often, adults engage in workshops and retreats for their own personal growth while the children are sent to another room to be babysat. Or vice versa, the parentals sit on the sidelines while their pride and joy learn how to swim or do yoga. Our intention with the Family Playshops was to turn these norms on their head. To experiment with what would a retreat look like, feel like, be like if people of all ages were not only included but welcome in all activities from meditation, to yoga, to art and expressive dance. The results were pure magic and growth was experienced by all who attended.
The impermanence of things: Creating nature based art as a group.
An ongoing scavenger hunt that took participants on mindful walks in the woods.
Hidden treasures with secret messages were found throughout the forest that even the youngest wanted to wander quietly in the woods.